Friday, February 29, 2008

God is great

I have come to the conclusion that there is no heart darker than that of man's, nor deeds more evil.The extent of his ruthlessness is astounding.

How for a few pennies more, he considers himself God - to rule and enslave others as he so chooses as if it had become his birthright.

How in one brief sentence, he utters gallantly that God is on his side, that God is great...

This he does in total disregard for the Third Commandment : "Thou shall not use the name of the Lord thy God in vain...".

Yet when he is confronted with conscience, he can, or at least for a brief moment, think of someone else besides himself. And for that very brief moment, may even exchange arrogance for humility, evil for good, lies for truth.

That moment, when it comes... is when God is truly great.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


So everyone has a favourite something, someone or some line, somewhere. Here's mine:

Favourite Historical Figure:
Napoleon Bonaparte - the leader who chose to define what reality is despite the circumstances and his ability to lead his men despite it all.

Favourite Diplomat:
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord - Napoleon's foreign minister for his ability to keep France's borders intact with the Treaty of Paris (1814) despite huge losses to coalition forces.

Favourite Old English Personality:
Charles Dickens - Author who wrote not just so that he'll have a few books around, but rather also to address the deplorable social conditions of his time.

Favourite PR Personality:
Alastair Campbell - Tony Blair's Director of Communications & Strategy for his sheer brilliance in spin-doctoring and the brand engineering of "New Labour"

Favourite Religious Personality:
Pope John Paul II for his dedication to his spiritual oversee despite his age and frailty as he approached the twilight of his life.

Favourite Bible verse:
"For you have not resisted to the point of shedding blood in your strive against sin" - Hebrews 12:4

Favourite Movie:
Nomads - An obscure 1986 film starring Pierce Brosnan, an anthropologist investigating a strange and extinct spirit tribe.


The emperor's new clothes syndrome

Dumbfounded, I was shaking my head as I listened to a talk show on radio.

A professor was interviewed on his take for the upcoming elections where in trying desperately to extol the virtues of the "infallible" prime minister, he threw out all the virtues of his education, his integrity and well, basically, his soul.

While I can comprehend some inkling of truth in what he said, I cannot, for the life of me comprehend how a mere mortal man like the prime minister can be held nor portrayed so pure as God himself.

What an absolute suck-up!

Which brings me to one question... if you had to make a trade, would it be:

1. Thirty pieces of silver for your soul
2. Your soul for a moment of truth

Let's not kid ourselves. We're been there before. Selling out our integrity for a suck-up. Selling our soul for a song.

So, how much more of mediocrity and spinelessness are we going to endure just so that we can proudly say, "Hey look. I, too am wearing the emperor's new clothes."

The gambler

" ...You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.

Ev'ry gambler knows that the secret to survivin'
Is knowin' what to throw away and knowing what to keep.
'Cause ev'ry hand's a winner and ev'ry hand's a loser,
And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep..."

("The Gambler" - Kenny Rogers)

So ya gotta ask yourself... are you a gambler or aren't ya?

My thoughts?

Gambling odds always suck. The house always has the edge, whether it be over time or bankroll. Therefore, consider this:

It ain't over till you hit bottom. And when you get there, just remember... if it doesn't kill you, it'll only make you stronger.

Life's philosophy

What one experiences defines the world.

I think that sums up what some great philosopher wrote. That is, how we see our surroundings and circumstances pretty much defines the "world" to us. What it is, how it is and where it is at.

So, while the world often looks bleak and hopeless to me, I rest in the comfort of my own life philosophy :

I am right and the world is wrong; and the world can go screw itself!

Live and let live

Admittedly, this one's not my original work. It came about from an interesting chat I had with one of my colleagues:

If you were given a choice, which would you choose and why?

1. To live wealthy up to 25 year old and then die.

2. To live poor up to 85 years old and then die.

Honestly, I chose #2 simply because I would give anyting to see tomorrow's world and all its new changes... something a dead man doesn't get to see or experience. Now that's something money can't buy.

So you didn't win the lottery

You'd know you've hit rock bottom when there's no rich inheritance, no lottery win, nor a job worth mentioning. Day in and day out, it's a maddening race just to work your butt off until the weekends.

And now, what? A last ditch to salvage some self-honour by blogging? Hmm, great solution to all of your life's problems, ain't it? After all, you've read in some obscure news article on the internet on how some lucky bugger's raking in the cash by simply blogging. Yeah, right... that's even worse odds than the 7 digit lottery that yields a return of about 16 million to 1.

But hell, what's the alternative? Get drunk and perhaps find some solace in drunken stupor for the next hour or two before a blistering hangover spoilts your tomorrow?

Honestly, I don't have an answer. I just wished I was rich. I'm not.

So what the hey, blogging's free and while life may have handcuffed my by the pocket, it sure the hell can't stop me mouthing my two cents worth. Sod it! At least I'm living free on a two cent opinion. That's already a 200% increase in investment.