Thursday, February 28, 2008


So everyone has a favourite something, someone or some line, somewhere. Here's mine:

Favourite Historical Figure:
Napoleon Bonaparte - the leader who chose to define what reality is despite the circumstances and his ability to lead his men despite it all.

Favourite Diplomat:
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord - Napoleon's foreign minister for his ability to keep France's borders intact with the Treaty of Paris (1814) despite huge losses to coalition forces.

Favourite Old English Personality:
Charles Dickens - Author who wrote not just so that he'll have a few books around, but rather also to address the deplorable social conditions of his time.

Favourite PR Personality:
Alastair Campbell - Tony Blair's Director of Communications & Strategy for his sheer brilliance in spin-doctoring and the brand engineering of "New Labour"

Favourite Religious Personality:
Pope John Paul II for his dedication to his spiritual oversee despite his age and frailty as he approached the twilight of his life.

Favourite Bible verse:
"For you have not resisted to the point of shedding blood in your strive against sin" - Hebrews 12:4

Favourite Movie:
Nomads - An obscure 1986 film starring Pierce Brosnan, an anthropologist investigating a strange and extinct spirit tribe.


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