At times I get asked how one can be successful? Or at least find the contentment element in life. Hahaha… as if I know everything. Well, I don’t. All I know is that if you busy yourself living a successful life, you’d spend less time thinking how to go about getting one.
Now, let me make this clear. Success is NOT measured by the amount of money you’ve managed to horde or make through the years, because if it did, even USD100 billion would be too little a price to put on a human life. The odds of one being born into this world far outnumber that those odds.
Yes it does when you consider we live on the only planet in the entire universe of trillions with all that’s needed to sustain human life, and then, there’s the fight for you to be conceived… the odds are almost infinite to one!
So, how do you find contentment in being a success? Well here’s a little 101 secret:
If you think like a pauper, you will live like a pauper. But if you think like a success, you will live like a success.
See, when you retreat at each instance to your little (and often diminishing!) comfort corner whenever a problem comes up, you will begin to play the cards you’re dealt with on defense. You will begin cutting corners and edges because you’re more afraid of the possibility of loss than loss itself.
Ever heard of the line: “The best defense is offence”?
This, my friend, is VERY TRUE.
When you begin playing your cards like a winner on the poker table of life, you will begin to win on a momentum. See, the psychology and play of a winner far differs from that who’s losing. The focus level and thought will be different.
So, how does one recognize the difference?
Well, if you’ve ever gambled in a casino, you’ll know the feeling. When you’re winning, you “command” the play, sharpen your focus and define the pace. But when you’re losing, you become desperate and resort either to one extreme of defensive play or just giving up by shoving the remainder of your chips onto one final hand – the make or break leap.
But here’s the good news.
You can decide on how you will play your cards anytime by determining how you will think and what grounds you will allow your mind to graze on. Learn to control your mind and you will learn to succeed. And no, I’m not talking about transcendental meditation, yoga and all that feng shui stuff since I do not believe in them… at all.
You cannot hope for an external solution for problems that affect you internally.
Start thinking good things for yourself and you will see good things happen for you.