Oops I did it again… yes, I’ve missed out on another day of blogging, just a few days after I’ve said I would try not to. So, okay, I’ve again been loaded with work, having to make a diversion to another state for a total of eight hours’ drive before catching the last flight back, reaching home with a headache, cough, sniffles and you know, just the usual…
But hey, honestly, I’m not feeling all that bad about missing out on one day’s worth of writing. Somehow, shit always happens, or rather, re-happen the very moment you’ve made a declaration that it won’t. However, maybe we shouldn’t kill ourselves over it. Or even take things too seriously that it becomes stifling and weighty.
Yep, just as much as there is a whole lot of truth to pushing oneself to excellence, there is also a whole lot of truth that we need to cut ourselves some slack. See, there are more than enough people (ie. Employers, relatives and such) that pick and peck almost incessantly on our shortcomings or even at times when we’re just taking a breather.
Hey, know what? Screw the whole lot of them. At the end of it all, do you think that they would bother to lend a helping hand if you hit skid row? No, it’ll all be just a matter of each person for himself/herself. So, you must always look out for number one – yourself.
A little selfish, you might say? Well, look at it this way, I’m not asking you to be selfish to your loved ones, just the ones that can’t be bothered if you lived or die, just so long as you would “pull up your straps” and get the job done.
Learn to distinguish character in yourself as an individual and not a generalisation of what’s good or bad. Avoid falling into the trap of wholesale labelling just because it’s easier and less taxing on our own minds and beliefs. And for God’s sake, cut yourself some slack sometimes.