Saturday, May 3, 2008

Real assets

In the very same manner that a cheerful countenance leads to a better and healthier life, and weariness can well, basically, screw you over and make you just about the most miserable person walking this earth, we all have a need (yes, not a desire, but an actual need) to think good and noble thoughts and to follow that up with action).

See, life isn’t all about being in control, where some have taken it way overboard resulting in them lording over others as though they own the lives of those under their oversee. Now, unless one is God, he/she does not have that actual privilege to do so. Not only is that despicable, but it is an abomination.

I’ve always had the utter most of disrespect especially for those that hand out two cents of their wealth and then believe that they own others, almost always consoling themselves that they are “supporting” the masses with employment.

Just as an employer is essential to the business, the employee is equally important, it not more so. Don’t forget that without employees, an employer has no business… period.

I know also a lot pay only lip service to the term “employees are our greatest assets” simply because their actions and attitudes towards their employees are sordidly telling of their mentality.

And if these employers think they’re getting away with it, they’re sorry mistaken for I have seen how the employees will eventually rebel and wreck havoc on the company. I have seen legal letters and such as well as mass resignations.

So it all boils down to whether one can lead their men. Not just through salaries and such, but more importantly, to lord over the hearts and minds of their men. Now, that’s definitely one aspect that cannot be demanded… it has to be earned.

Friday, May 2, 2008


My apologies for having missed out on yesterday’s blog. Just that I’ve been slightly tied-up on account of an outstation assignment. Anyway, I’ll try not to miss another day, ya.

So, here’s a somewhat lighter piece on wisdom.

For many who are disheartened by the many inferences that you’re either too young or too naïve when it comes to a barometer of your wisdom, let me assure you that I’ve seen just an equal amount of young folks having amazing wisdom and an equal amount of older folks that are so set in their ways that think wisdom is their inherent right as elders.

Seriously, I am one that believe that the gaining of wisdom, tough it may be affected somewhat by one’s chronological age, that would only account for a very small fraction of the equation.

See, wisdom is determined very much by one’s life experiences, not how old one gets. If a hermit lives to a hundred years, his/her acquired wisdom will fall far beneath an adventurer who may be just celebrating his/her 10th birthday next month.

Yes, there is much to be said for them that live through their lives in comfort zones, always doing the safe and sure thing. However, that would really be such a pity considering that that would be just about the story of their lives. Imagine, a whole lifetime wasted away by not going beyond the wall, not venturing out of the hermit hole.

So remember well, the lessons of Tolkien and “The Hobbit”… after all, do you really want to spend a lifetime thinking you’ve acquired wisdom when all you’ve only acquired is a tombstone that reads “Here lies… safe but dead”. (Pun intended – dead, both body and soul).

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Great experts

There is a wealth of truth in not being taken in with fancy promises and words that are nothing more than just a front for superlatives. Now, how many times have we been taken in with people that seem to present themselves as “great experts” only to realize that their area of specialization lies only in creating a big picture of themselves?

The problem is many people believe that there’s a need for them to super-sell themselves, calling themselves specialists, etc. just to cover for their inadequacies. From the onset, you’ll be able to recognize these people as they are fabulous when selling themselves, always careful to paint a highly exaggerated picture of themselves.

The truth will only be revealed when you find that they can’t deliver what they profess their specialization in. It is then that you’ll be getting a whole lot of excuses for their failure, whether it be due to circumstances or even the heavens. To cut it short, they will be blaming everyone and everything under the sun but will never admit to their shortcomings.

So, how does one recognize a real specialist?

These will be the ones that do not hard-sell themselves, the ones that do tell you as it is, and that includes their weaknesses as well. See, real professionals do not see a need to put up fronts because they are both too busy to bother with that or take great pride in their specialization and will see it as almost sacrilege to lower themselves by having to play the role of a wannabe.

Hence, it is more honourable to admit to one’s shortcomings for that will open the doors to pick up and learn rather than to fake it because most of one’s time will then be used to cover shortcomings, leaving that person practically no time to learn anything.

Great experts

There is a wealth of truth in not being taken in with fancy promises and words that are nothing more than just a front for superlatives. Now, how many times have we been taken in with people that seem to present themselves as “great experts” only to realize that their area of specialization lies only in creating a big picture of themselves?

The problem is many people believe that there’s a need for them to super-sell themselves, calling themselves specialists, etc. just to cover for their inadequacies. From the onset, you’ll be able to recognize these people as they are fabulous when selling themselves, always careful to paint a highly exaggerated picture of themselves.

The truth will only be revealed when you find that they can’t deliver what they profess their specialization in. It is then that you’ll be getting a whole lot of excuses for their failure, whether it be due to circumstances or even the heavens. To cut it short, they will be blaming everyone and everything under the sun but will never admit to their shortcomings.

So, how does one recognize a real specialist?

These will be the ones that do not hard-sell themselves, the ones that do tell you as it is, and that includes their weaknesses as well. See, real professionals do not see a need to put up fronts because they are both too busy to bother with that or take great pride in their specialization and will see it as almost sacrilege to lower themselves by having to play the role of a wannabe.

Hence, it is more honourable to admit to one’s shortcomings for that will open the doors to pick up and learn rather than to fake it because most of one’s time will then be used to cover shortcomings, leaving that person practically no time to learn anything.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Finding your muse

Some readers have been asking me how I come up with the anecdotes that are posted daily on the site. Quite simply, there isn’t a trick to it. And no, I do not get them off pre-generated content providers. If I had done so, you’ve have known either through attributions to its owners or simply through the style of writing.

I have a much easier way to churn these out everyday.

See, they’re all written based on personal experiences and funny thing is that I get most of my stuff from the people that piss me off on a daily basis. Yep! It’s very much a case of milking lemonade when you’re given lemons.

The ludicrously vast reservoir of stupidity of fellow peers and people in general drives me to write as a form of catharsis (or muse), whichever way you look at it.

So, to “get even”, I would often resort to spilling out frustrations and such onto blogs and before long, hey presto! I would have written out another piece for day. Honestly, I wouldn’t know what would happen if these same folks were to read about their exploits online. But then if I did, I could hardly care less since the truth remains the truth and no amount of snow-piling will change that fact.

Therefore, if you’re faced with lemons the next time around, find a way to turn something lousy into a fruitful endeavour. After all, why bother to benefit those dimwits when you have a chance to enrich yourself at their expense?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Getting creative

It’s amazing to think that corporate bigwigs seem to believe that getaways are always needed for brainstorming sessions, as though a predefined week in the future will inevitably lead to creativity.

Now, I’m not against having getaway sessions, but honestly, do you think that the brain functions only at a specified time? And that only at a specified time does it magically come alive with the creative juices locked up within?

Actually, I find that the most creative time is when the mind is at rest. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it will only come at a calm moment. For me I find the best period to harvest creativity is when I’m driving to work or well, just about anytime that I’m not “Doing anything constructive”.

Yes, I’ve had countless missed turnings and blank looks throughout each day. See, it is possible to be at your creative peak even on a daily basis, if only you understood how your brain and body functions. If you’re having a meal, your body will be too busy digesting food that hey, you’re not likely to think of much besides eating.

And when you’re stressed up, no amount of caffeine is going to help. Your body and mind would have shifted into defense mode, meaning, you’re not going to churn out brilliant ideas regardless.

In addition to that, unless you have a very well-trained strong mind to focus on a particular subject for a prolonged period of time, it is highly unlikely that hours of labouring at a creative matter is going to bring fruitful results. Yes, to be able to hold your focus longer, you need to train yourself for it.

So, how does anyone get creative then? Well, start with the restful moments. No, not the ones where you’re about to doze off, but look for those moments that you can go on “auto pilot”, you know, activities like when you’re driving, exercising and such. These are the best times as your body can function on its own without much effort but it supplies enough oxygen to get those creative juices flowing.

And oh, one more thing. Make sure you have a notebook and pen handy (like in your shirt pocket) to write down the thoughts and ideas that you develop.