Saturday, May 3, 2008

Real assets

In the very same manner that a cheerful countenance leads to a better and healthier life, and weariness can well, basically, screw you over and make you just about the most miserable person walking this earth, we all have a need (yes, not a desire, but an actual need) to think good and noble thoughts and to follow that up with action).

See, life isn’t all about being in control, where some have taken it way overboard resulting in them lording over others as though they own the lives of those under their oversee. Now, unless one is God, he/she does not have that actual privilege to do so. Not only is that despicable, but it is an abomination.

I’ve always had the utter most of disrespect especially for those that hand out two cents of their wealth and then believe that they own others, almost always consoling themselves that they are “supporting” the masses with employment.

Just as an employer is essential to the business, the employee is equally important, it not more so. Don’t forget that without employees, an employer has no business… period.

I know also a lot pay only lip service to the term “employees are our greatest assets” simply because their actions and attitudes towards their employees are sordidly telling of their mentality.

And if these employers think they’re getting away with it, they’re sorry mistaken for I have seen how the employees will eventually rebel and wreck havoc on the company. I have seen legal letters and such as well as mass resignations.

So it all boils down to whether one can lead their men. Not just through salaries and such, but more importantly, to lord over the hearts and minds of their men. Now, that’s definitely one aspect that cannot be demanded… it has to be earned.

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