Friday, February 29, 2008

God is great

I have come to the conclusion that there is no heart darker than that of man's, nor deeds more evil.The extent of his ruthlessness is astounding.

How for a few pennies more, he considers himself God - to rule and enslave others as he so chooses as if it had become his birthright.

How in one brief sentence, he utters gallantly that God is on his side, that God is great...

This he does in total disregard for the Third Commandment : "Thou shall not use the name of the Lord thy God in vain...".

Yet when he is confronted with conscience, he can, or at least for a brief moment, think of someone else besides himself. And for that very brief moment, may even exchange arrogance for humility, evil for good, lies for truth.

That moment, when it comes... is when God is truly great.

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