Thursday, February 28, 2008

The emperor's new clothes syndrome

Dumbfounded, I was shaking my head as I listened to a talk show on radio.

A professor was interviewed on his take for the upcoming elections where in trying desperately to extol the virtues of the "infallible" prime minister, he threw out all the virtues of his education, his integrity and well, basically, his soul.

While I can comprehend some inkling of truth in what he said, I cannot, for the life of me comprehend how a mere mortal man like the prime minister can be held nor portrayed so pure as God himself.

What an absolute suck-up!

Which brings me to one question... if you had to make a trade, would it be:

1. Thirty pieces of silver for your soul
2. Your soul for a moment of truth

Let's not kid ourselves. We're been there before. Selling out our integrity for a suck-up. Selling our soul for a song.

So, how much more of mediocrity and spinelessness are we going to endure just so that we can proudly say, "Hey look. I, too am wearing the emperor's new clothes."

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