Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Studies and life

The need to study everything as a life-long task is not so much as to gain knowledge as it is for our mental development.

Just like any muscle in our body, the mind requires constant and regular exercise. See, the 60,000-70,000 mental processes we do on a daily basis may only help with the daily basic functioning of our being, but to be able to tap into the full potential of our mental capabilities, we would still need to generate creativity daily.

Therefore, to assume that we’ve come to a time in our lives where we should “retire” from ourselves is nothing more than a cop-out. It means nothing more than telling ourselves that we’re actually getting lazy and it would be easier to admit to old age being the reason for doing so.

I can still remember the times when even 70, 80 and 90 year old men and women were attending classes to make good on their diplomas and degrees which they have not obtained when younger. Do you honestly think they need those paper qualifications by now? Of course not! It is very much to prove to themselves that they are not to old to think, not to old to realize the need for study for in it lies the heartbeat and reason for being.

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