Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Faith & reality

I’m not one who’s terribly religious a person. Yet, I do have a keen interest in the study of theology, a subject which I believe will serve well for anyone who’s had an inkling to serve God at some point of their lives. Not only should it be a pre-requisite for full-time workers/missionaries, I also believe very much that laypeople should also seek to learn it.

Admittedly, I am more fearful these days compared to 20 or 30 years prior when I see the tremendous amount of “blind-faith” by laypeople who make almost no effort to the study of theology, yet chase after what’s known as the “movement of the spirit”, closely aligned with the Pentecostal movement.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the Pentecostal movement. However, that itself without a deeper study of the bible is very dangerous, bordering on mysticism. Coupled with the placement of such laypeople as Sheppard over the flock spells nothing but disaster in the making. One very important lesson to remember is this: God is not above His own words. If it’s not scripturally sound, it’s not Christianity.

Also, I’m not one that can agree with blind faith because I believe that the faith one chooses to believe in can and must be subjected to close examination. It can be subject to scientific scrutiny and criticism. It shall by no means be led by an authoritarian that decides on what the flock should or should not believe in. Blind faith is nothing but fear.

So, I seriously urge you to examine and question what you believe in. After all, if you’re going to base your whole life’s philosophy and maybe even risk life and limb, shouldn’t it be on something that’s worthwhile? Being too lazy to examine is well… just so very sad a predicament.

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