Monday, March 24, 2008

Snake oil salesmen

Recalling how western movies used to have a typical con-man who goes around selling miracle snake oil, just brought memories of the scores of “brokers” that once crossed paths in my line of work… or even nowadays for that matter.

Always dressed in their sharpest with an air of mystery that cloaks them, these people spoke as though they knew every single important person in the world, whether it be presidents, ministers or corporate bigwigs.

Yet, I remember the time when one of them tried to make a deal with “no money up front and no strings attached” where we would travel to London for a forex deal. I promptly told him that it was okay by me, just so long as we get to take care of one of his relatives in a third country (all-expenses paid) and that if anything should go wrong, that that would be the last time he will ever see his relations again.

The conclusion? He bolted faster than a horse on fire.

See, the deal is always first sweetened with a “no money up front and no strings attached”. It is only along the way that “problems and situations” seem to appear that require a little money to “grease” the path… And depending on how much you can afford to “grease” will be the duration you will still get to see his face. Get the message now?

Just remember one cardinal rule: “When they tell you it’s not about the money, it’s about the money”.

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