Sunday, March 23, 2008

The ostrich technique

Here's another additional point to my earlier blog on leaders being true leaders when they are tested in the lowest ebb of their lives. How they manage under such hopeless conditions make them real generals... world's apart from the wannabes that crack easily.

This has to do with listening. I have met many, many wannabes that are placed in those positions merely by their wealth or appointments.

And their biggest mistakes? They can't take criticisms nor are interested in listening to any dissenting views. So, they either bury their heads in the sand, or in many cases, appoint another wannabe general to "hold the fort", choosing only to deal with their appointees.

This is a syndrome where they figured that if they don't have to listen to bad news, it will "all just go away" magically.

For these people, when they do wake up, when they do take their heads out of the sand, it would have all been a little too late because nothing ever magically goes away. All things will compound.

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