Friday, March 21, 2008

Honourific titles

From Biblical times even, man has sought to be greater than their Creator, with the likes of the Tower of Babel erected in honour of their achievements. Today, while superstructures may be considered passé, man has turned to elevating themselves instead to incredible heights of honourific titles that are even lengthier than their given birth-names.

I have witness how this ludicrous behavior has extended into the family unit where children address their own parents by the parents’ official laurels instead. Far from being a mark of respect, it is an indication how degenerated human life has become when a child cannot even address their parents with normal terms of endearment like “dad “ or “mom” anymore.

I fail to see how having grand titles makes one any more superior a human being than his peers. After all, doesn’t every human blood flow red and most religions demand humility? (The very same religion that these honourific title holders claim utmost devotion to).

Why, even the most powerful man on earth, the U.S. President is addressed merely as “Mr. President” while the richest referred to without any fancy titles attached – Warren Buffet.

Hmm… this only leaves the wannabes that still bask in having others address them as gods with titles longer then the passage of time dating back even way past the Tower of Babel to the fall of Lucifer. You know… the same guy who wanted to be greater than his Creator, too?

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