Thursday, March 20, 2008

The good old days

Ever come across people who reminisce about the past incessantly? - "Oh, those were the good old days, blah... blah... blah" where even broken lightbulbs, leaking roofs and creaky floors seemed like the land of milk and honey with shades of sepia-toned memories thrown into the scene.

I, too, have many-a-times indulged myself in the glory days of the past. Make no mistakes about it... youthfulness is addictive.

But when that addiction becomes socially debilitating, when obsession and wishful thinking and a constant longing for the past creeps through, it's time to call it a disease. Honestly, can you actually imagine yourself now with broken lightbulbs, leaking roofs and creaky floors? Get my drift?

When we're indulging ourselves in the past, we forget to appreciate the present.

Yes, I know that often the present can be shitty to say the least. But hey, Maybe it's time to appreciate the air that we're breathing, the evolution of life that's unfolding before our world stage and just the little things that'll make for tomorrow's good 'ol days.

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