Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The dumb blond syndrome

It’s amazing that the more progressive mankind gets, the more he makes himself out to be stupid. That is, he becomes a “dumb blond” (so sorry for the pun, but honestly, that’s the best description I could come up with that sums up what I mean).

Overnight, he’ll go from someone remotely trying to outdo his peers to a total dimwit, not knowing, not wanting to know nor even bothered that he might know. Just so long as the world believes that he’s well, quite dim. At least then, he wouldn’t have to answer or do anything that resembles real work

But honestly, we are not made just to show off our stupidity on our sleeves. Maybe it’s the pressures of modern society that keeps raining huge expectations and demands. Or maybe its the fear of not being as good enough as...

But really, to have to put on a mask to make the world think we’re actually stupid just so that we wouldn’t have to be responsible for any work, any responsibility or as an answer for our fears are just nothing more than cowardice. Whining becomes our trademark.

And this disease goes through all levels of society. We see how celebrities love to project themselves as really, really dim. Why, you would be able to count off the number of your fellow peers that do the same thing, especially so when it comes to shouldering the work that has to be done.

But see, when one does hide behind the mask of stupidity and well, hope to achieve obscurity by that, it really does nothing more than stun his/her own growth. Sure, he might learn the best methods for dodging and such, but the price that will be paid is too high. After all, one only gets one lifetime to spend and it’s truly a sorry state when that lifetime is spent on seeking out the best way not to work, not to improve and not to explore all of God’s wonderful world.

Yes, the daily grind can be very, very exhausting. Many times I too, have wanted to just give up, and live a dismal dim life where I can’t be blamed if I’m considered lacking in brain matter. But then again, I think again and hey, I’ve too many responsibilities, both to myself and others not to fight on. I realize that I can’t afford to give in to wishful thinking or tired muscles, tired emotions and tired mind. If I did, the person I’ll be hurting most of all is myself.

Besides, God didn’t create me to waste away a lifetime of what is possible. And to do that knowingly and willfully will be the saddest thing ever.

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