Friday, June 27, 2008

Coming to terms with reality

It’s way too often that I come across people who either refuse to seek the root cause of a problem or who simply refuse to acknowledge the root cause of a problem. Whether it’s a matter of convenience or otherwise, problems are left to compound, with secondary causes made out to be primary causes.

This is nothing more than a conscientious effort to mask reality… truth that’s a little too hard to swallow. As a result, nothing gets addressed, nothing gets rectified. The problems goes on and on and on… with other excuses taking their place.

And the most blatantly dimwit thing to do is to start believing in one’s own concoction of explanations that do away with the burden of proof, that is, reality itself and preferring to listen to the more melodious and soothing tune of lies.

Not only is this an inability to face life’s challenges, it is a sure sign of immaturity.

It is a case where one fails to call a spade a spade and well, just takes the next convenient option, a catch phrases, a light-bulb moment word and use that to explain away the shortcomings.

Nonetheless, if we really look deep inside ourselves and be honest enough, we know where the root cause of the problem lies. But it is really up to us to define it, isolate it and come to grips on dealing with it.

Many times we won’t like to do so because it means that we’ll be forced to be honest about ourselves. We’re not all that great to begin with. We’re not all angels or saints. Yes, in many, many, many ways we’re ugly as hell. Truly, the depths of mankind’s soul can be so utterly hideous, it’s simply unspeakable.

But if we still refuse to face our ugliness, we’ll only remain just as ugly if not uglier with layers of masks to conceal it. However, if we can be honest with ourselves to call a spade a spade and not give into convenient digressions, then at least the healing process can begin.

And that time will come to be remembered as the time when we’re truly honest with ourselves, warts and all. That will be the time when we would have achieved authenticity.

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