Sunday, May 18, 2008

Taking someone for granted

Now, I know this will sound a little lovey-dovey but hey, it’s the weekend and well, maybe its about time also to have something on the blog that’s not just all about inspiring ourselves to new and greater heights all the time.
This one’s simple.

I remember a line in a movie that went something like : “Love your beloved and don’t ever take him or her for granted. Because if you will not love him/her like you should, someone else will.”

Granted, it sounds very cliché but over the years, I know that it is a very true statement.

So what if you’re in a relationship, engaged or married. That does not give you any “artistic licence” to take the other person for granted. Whether you like it or not, a relationship is not just all about being in one, it is about maintenance and having to be constantly on guard against complacency or just laziness.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you can’t kick back and rest a little at times. Everyone needs to put their feet up every now and then to take a breather. Just remember that a breather is a breather and not a permanent hang-up of your responsibility, nor a “prolonged temporary breather” (that’s just a term of reference that means basically the same thing).

Nobody likes to be taken for granted, no matter how much they may say they aren’t bothered.

God made us with our own pair of arms and legs, and basically, everyone ought to use their own initiative and strength to the best of their abilities, before, well, until they aren’t able to do so. But until then, we all have an obligation to ourselves, our partner and God. No amount of laziness can square out any excuses, regardless of our status and station in life.

Lastly, we must remember that everyone deserves to be loved as they should. Which means what was said before – “love him/her as you should. If not, someone else will”. And if that happens, it would have all been too late… a kinda spilled milk.

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