Thursday, May 29, 2008


Just when I’d thought I’ve had it nicked with me wanting to blog because I did not win the lottery, life throws a surprising curve ball.

Now, I’ve mentioned time and again how my editors and press colleagues used to tell me that I can’t write to save my life. Well, interestingly, I’m somewhat stuck in the better part of my career writing. Now, that’s irony for you.

But while I had not intended to enjoy this vocation, always resorting to labeling it as a mere job and not putting any real passion into it (like how a lot of Hemingways are…), I must admit that I was somewhat pleasantly surprised by the cathartic properties that I’ve derived from it.

Perhaps the words of my brother would best describe the redeeming qualities of blogging when he said “Writing liberates the mind and expresses the soul/spirit”. Yes, that’s my brother… and yes, he’s a pretty deep person while I on the other hand am pretty shallow.

Nonetheless, this is very true. While I had not intend to garner anything more than maybe putting together a book at the end of all this blogging, the daily inspirations that I derive from putting thoughts to words does work, even for myself. A little like looking into a mirror and telling yourself good things before beginning the day. Only better, because you get to argue your case out before blindly believing in one’s own inspiring words.

And believe me, it works for just about anyone, not just someone that write for a living. I’ve seen it work where my own fiancée who berates herself as not possessing skillful writing abilities churn out some of the most inspiring blogs I’ve ever come across.

So, whether it may be a blog to inspire or to lament life’s frustrations, maybe its time to put it out there… if not to help someone else navigate through life’s maze, at least it’ll leave some residue to medicate ourselves and help us though the day.

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