Monday, March 17, 2008

Win-win situations

People have a ridiculous sense of well-being. Where they are lacking, they pat themselves on their backs and contemplate on how well they’re faring despite the circumstances. Well, this is not to say that optimism isn’t good, but one needs to know what is optimism and what is mere excuse for shortcomings.

For example, I find that the term “win-win situation” to be of mere fallacy, in any negotiation. It is nothing more than to soothe one’s bruises.

For in any negotiation, there is no such thing as “win-win”. There is and always will be a winner and a loser, the difference being the degree of wins and degree of losses.

So, the sooner we stop kidding ourselves and face facts, the sooner we’ll be on our way to better manage defeats, identify root causes and correct what needs to be corrected so that we’ll have a firmer ground to stand on for the next battle.

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