Tuesday, March 4, 2008

People love themselves

Have you ever notice yourself plunging head first for a dialogue session or eagerly anticipating a seminar that has a marketing headline that affirms your ideals or your philosophy?

How you readily absorb the words of one who tells you how right or how brilliant you are? Yet at the same time shut off those that aren’t on the same thought pattern or wavelength as you are?

You’re not alone. In more clinical terms, I would have it known as “Narcissism”, basically, a love for yourself, although most would term narcissism as a personality disorder especially when it becomes socially debilitating.

Now, translate that to ourselves and voila! You and I are both in the same boat. Just as every person on earth has cancer cells, everyone then, too, has whether it’s a gene condition, a cognitively learnt condition or whatsoever condition you may term it as… we all have it. We all love ourselves.

Hence, when people say that they are incapable of loving themselves and therefore habitually tear themselves down, yet at the same time can only listen and take comfort in others that reaffirm their convictions, isn’t it in reality, a contradiction?

Face it, we all love ourselves, whether we like to admit to it or not.

So go ahead and give that fella in the mirror a kiss. You know you want to!

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