Thursday, March 6, 2008

Blaming heaven & earth

Here's one that's very familiar with a whole of people.

It's known as the "Blame-heaven-and-earth-but-yourself" syndrome.

I for one, cannot believe the staggering amount of people who subscribe to this syndrome, holding it on for dear life as if it was an Olympic medal that they've just won.

But for such attitudes to continue, these dimwits must actually believe the mantra that if they keep on blaming everything, everyone and every circumstance for their shortcomings, it might just come through and that the whole world will believe their story.

Yeah right...

It's just like thinking that someone you owe money to will forget... people NEVER forget nor are they stupid!

It does nothing more than tell them what kind of lowlife you're allowing yourself to become just to save your behind. You will NEVER earn their respect this way.

The solution?

I've found out that if you just owned up to your fault/mistake, take full responsibility and apologize for it, it pretty much shuts up everyone immediately. (I don't mean a fly-by "sorry". That doesn't work either. People KNOW the difference)

And best thing is, you would've maintain your integrity and gain better respect from everyone.

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